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Molecules that are spread out and can move freely and fast between one another.  A Gas has no definte shape or volume, but will take the shape  or size of the container it occupies. The molecules will spread out to fill the whole space equally.  

The examples below are of a Gas State.  The Balloons support that a gas can take to any shape.  The Steam is a gas from liquid boiling to evaporation.   A Gas Matter  can change to a liquid state by cooling its tempature causing Condensation.





Molecules that are tightly compacted together and cannot move freely but can only vibrate.  A Solid has a study definite shape and definite volume, they can only change their shape by being broken or cut.  A Solid can tranform into a liquid by process of melting, or into a gas by sublimation.

The examples below are of a Solid State.   They can only change shape by being broken, or turned into another state of matter by burning or sublamation



States of Matter

There are three types of matter:

Solid, Liquid and Gas.

The phases of matter is a solid to a liquid to a gas




Molecules that are closely together and can move freely around one another. Liquid has  no definte volume and shape which means it will take shape to its container.

  The examples below are a  Liquid Matter, by taking the shape of the glass, and moving freely within it.

Liquid can change state by altering  its tempature.  Freezing the liquid will make it a solid matter.    Boiling the liquid will  cause it to turn into a Gas by changing to Steam, or even evaporating.






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